Your Vision -
Masterfully Crafted

Conrad Pickel Studio has been creating stained and faceted glass windows, mosaics, and sculptures for religious and secular buildings throughout North America for over 75 years. Founded by the late Conrad Pickel, it is now under the direction of second-generation president Paul Pickel.
Conrad Pickel (1906 - 1994) learned the art of stained glass with the famed Mayer Studio in Munich, Germany. He began his own studio in 1947 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and it quickly grew into one of the leading studios in the country. In 1956, Mr. Pickel started a branch in Vero Beach, Florida, and transferred the complete operation there in 1977. Under the direction of Mr. Pickel's son, Paul, the studio continues to develop new techniques and applications for stained glass and mosaic. The studio's work may be seen in many of the finest churches, cathedrals, and cemeteries throughout the country and around the world. One commission, the Resurrection Mausoleum in Chicago, IL, is the world's largest faceted glass window according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Conrad Pickel Studio welcomes inquiries. It maintains a staff large enough to handle any size project, yet small enough to give each project careful individual attention.

Conrad Pickel - Founder

Paul Pickel - President

Lyn Durham - Master Artist

Paul Thornton - Foreman

Bradley Sanderson - Master Glazier